Die herrliche Aussicht auf die Bahía de Banderas sowie die Zona Romántica (Romantik) sind Highlights, die diese Stadt zu einem einzigartigen, unvergesslichen Reiseziel machen.
Puerto Vallarta liegt an der Pazifikküste, 330 km von Guadalajara (der Hauptstadt des Bundesstaates Jalisco) entfernt und beherbergt den internationalen Flughafen Gustavo Díaz Ordaz mit Verbindungen zu den wichtigsten Städten des Landes sowie zu wichtigen ausländischen Städten . Als solches ist es eines der Hauptreiseziele in Mexiko geworden.
Dies ist aus gutem Grund so, da das Hotelangebot in Puerto Vallarta vielfältig ist und sowohl kostengünstige als auch hochwertige Optionen bietet. Darüber hinaus gibt es eine große Auswahl an Wassersportarten und Aktivitäten, bei denen für jeden etwas dabei ist: Tauchen, Schnorcheln, Bungee-Jumping, Parasailing, Kajakfahren, Wildfischen, Schwimmen mit Delfinen, saisonale Walbeobachtung, Jetskis, Bootsfahrten, Flyboard , Windsurfen und Surfen, unter anderem. Hinter der schönen Stadt befindet sich die Sierra Madre Occidental (eine Bergkette im Westen und Nordwesten Mexikos), die eine üppige, grüne Kulisse mit einer Reihe von Wasserfällen bietet, und die Hängebrücke El Jorullo. Das dort angebotene Outdoor-Abenteuer und die Aktivitäten in der Natur erweitern das bereits reichhaltige Angebot an Attraktionen: adrenalinreiche Seilrutschen, ATV-Fahrten, Reiten oder Mountainbiketouren, Abseilen und friedliche Spaziergänge in der Natur, um die Landschaft und die Vögel zu beobachten die Bäume.
Puerto Vallarta gilt jedoch aufgrund der großen Anzahl von Restaurants mit renommierten Köchen an der Spitze und der köstlichen Kreativität, die in ihre Gerichte einfließt, auch als „Gourmet-Stadt“. Nach einer Aktivität am Meer oder in den Bergen können Sie mit erstklassigen gastronomischen Köstlichkeiten wieder zu Kräften kommen und anschließend einen Abend mit dem lebhaften Nachtleben der Stadt verbringen.
Wenn Sie eine Pause in Puerto Vallarta planen, ist die beste Reisezeit zwischen April und Juni, um die Regenzeit zu vermeiden. Von Dezember bis März können Sie jedoch in dieser Region des Pazifiks Wale beobachten.
Puerto Vallarta, which was originally known as Las Peñas, was founded in 1851. Tourism-based development however took place in the eighties, when Marina Vallarta (the Vallarta Marina) was built. It has not stopped growing since, and continues to win the hearts of visitors, who just keep coming back.
If you are planning a break in Puerto Vallarta, the best time to visit is between April and June, to avoid the rainy season. From December to March, however, whale-watching can be enjoyed in this area of the Pacific.

Its beautiful scenery framed by white sand beaches and turquoise sea; its extension and biodiversity in its reefs, lagoons, cenotes and forest; its ancestral Mayan culture wealth; its great air and ground transportation connectivity and; its highest level hotel infrastructure have positioned Cancún, Quintana Roo, as the most awarded Mexican tourist destination in the world and as a leader city in Latin America.
Cancún was the first tourist development of the Fondo Nacional de Turismo (FONATUR in its Spanish acronym). After its opening in the early seventies, travelers from all latitudes immediately arrived to explore its 23 kilometer coastline and to enjoy the quality of its hotels (35 thousand rooms) that still set the highest hospitality standards for the rest of the world.
When talking about Cancún, it’s impossible to avoid its beaches, which are mainly located along the Kukulkan Boulevard in the Hotel Zone. If you travel with children, elderly people, or in the case that you can´t swim very well, we suggest you choose a hotel located between kilometers 3 to 8.5. In those specific beaches, ocean waves are soft as they are located in front of Isla Mujeres which allows the formation of a bay called Bahía de Isla Mujeres.
On the other hand, if you stay downtown, you will be able to find 11 public beaches such as Perlas, Langostas, Tortugas, Delfines and Chac Mol. Most of them have been granted with the Blue Flag eco-label which certifies coast destinations that have reached top standards in water quality, environmental management, safety, services and environmental education activities.
Besides having the best beaches in the world, you can enjoy exciting water activities in Cancún such as diving, snorkeling, kayaking, sailing on a Catamaran or speed boat, flyboarding, windsurfing and paddle boarding in the Caribbean Sea or the Nichupte Lagoon. Both immense water bodies frame the scenery.
When it comes to food, Cancún offers a culinary experience through the fusion of Mexican and international flavors which are masterfully developed by the best chefs in the world. There are restaurants that have been granted with the 5 Diamonds of the American Automobile Association and have been recognized by Michelin Guide.
It is not possible to have vacation time in Cancún without being caught by its nightlife, which flows in clubs where international DJs and acrobatic performances can be found. In addition, fun can go beyond the shore and you can enjoy parties on board a Pirate boat or on a trajinera.
If you want to explore the surroundings, Cancún is also an entry to other popular destinations in the Riviera Maya: Playa del Carmen, Tulum, Holbox, Isla Mujeres and Cozumel. Moreover, you can visit the Mayan Archaeological Sites such as Chichén Itzá, Cobá and Muyil, just to name a few.
How to get to Cancún: Cancún is located in the Yucatán Peninsula in the north of Quintana Roo State in Mexico. Its airport is located five kilometers away from the Hotel Zone.